Acme Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Clinic (Acme Acu): Your dependable acupuncturist and herbalist for Traditional Chinese Medicine services---acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and Chinese massage.


ACC treatment provider

Acupuncture NZ member



Opening hours

Mon - Fri 8:30am-5:30pm

Sat         8:30am-12:30pm



Acupuncture can help a lot of diseases and conditions. It has been used as the main medical treatment method by Asian people for thousands of years, and as a form of complementary and alternative medicine by western people for more than three hundred years.


In Feb. 2017, the Acupuncture Evidence Project: A Comparative Literature Review (2017) was published, which is the project of the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd (AACMA). They reviewed the literature from 2013 to 2016 and indicate: of the 122 conditions identified, strong evidence supported the effectiveness of acupuncture for 8 conditions, moderate evidence supported the use of acupuncture for a further 38 conditions, weak positive/unclear evidence supported the use of acupuncture for 71 conditions, and little or no evidence was found for the effectiveness of acupuncture for five conditions (meaning that further research is needed to clarify the effectiveness of acupuncture in these last two categories).     In addition, research showed that acupuncture was cost effective for 10 conditions, and is safe in the hands of a well-trained practitioner.

It is no longer possible to say that the effectiveness of acupuncture is because of the placebo effect, or that it is useful only for musculoskeletal pain.


The full report can be viewed through the below link:


The following four categories summarize the effectiveness of acupuncture for various conditions.


  • Conditions with strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture
  • (reviews with consistent statistically significant positive effects and where authors have recommended the intervention. The quality of evidence is rated as moderate or high quality.)

         - Allergic rhinitis (perennial & seasonal)

         - Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (with anti-emetics)

         - Chronic low back pain

         - Headache (tension-type and chronic)

         - Knee osteoarthritis

         - Migraine prophylaxis

         - Postoperative nausea & vomiting

         - Postoperative pain


  • Conditions with moderate evidence supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture                                   
  • (Reviews reporting all individual RCTs or pooled effects across RCTs as positive, but the  reviewers deeming the evidence insufficient to draw firm conclusions. The quality of evidence is rated as moderate or high quality.)

         - Acute low back pain

         - Acute stroke

         - Ambulatory anaesthesia

         - Anxiety

         - Aromatase-inhibitor-induced arthralgia

         - Asthma in adults

         - Back or pelvic pain during pregnancy

         - Cancer pain

         - Cancer-related fatigue

         - Constipation

         - Craniotomy anaesthesia

         - Depression (with antidepressants)

         - Dry eye

         - Hypertension (with medication)

         - Insomnia

         - Irritable bowel syndrome

         - Labour pain

         - Lateral elbow pain

         - Menopausal hot flushes

         - Modulating sensory perception thresholds

         - Neck pain

         - Obesity

         - Perimenopausal & postmenopausal insomnia

         - Plantar heel pain

         - Post-stroke insomnia

         - Post-stroke shoulder pain

         - Post-stroke spasticity

         - Post-traumatic stress disorder

         - Prostatitis pain/chronic pelvic pain syndrome

         - Recovery after colorectal cancer resection

         - Restless leg syndrome

         - Schizophrenia (with antipsychotics)

         - Sciatica

         - Shoulder impingement syndrome (early stage) (with exercise)

         - Shoulder pain

         - Smoking cessation (up to 3 months)

         - Stroke rehabilitation

         - Temporomandibular pain


  • Conditions with weak positive/unclear evidence supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture
  •  (Reviews consisted mostly of weak positive evidence or conflicting evidence between reviews or between authors within a review, with reviewers summarising the evidence as inconclusive. Reviews are of low or very low quality; or there is conflicting levels of evidence within or between reviews.)

         - Acupuncture in Emergency Department

         - Acute ankle sprain in adults

         - Alzheimer’s disease

         - Angina pectoris

         - Assisted conception in ART

         - Asthma in children

         - Atopic dermatitis

         - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

         - Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

         - Bell’s palsy

         - Bladder pain syndrome

         - Cancer-related insomnia

         - Cancer-related psychological symptoms

         - Carpal tunnel syndrome

         - Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

         - Chronic fatigue syndrome

         - Chronic kidney disease

         - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

         - Chronic urinary retention due to spinal cord injury

         - Chronic urticaria

         - Dysmenorrhoea

         - Dyspepsia in diabetic gastroparesis (DGP)

         - Erectile dysfunction

         - Exercise performance & post-exercise recovery

         - Fatigue in systemic lupus erythematosus

         - Fibromyalgia

         - Functional dyspepsia

         - Gag reflex in dentistry

         - Glaucoma

         - Heart failure

         - Hot flushes in breast cancer

         - Hyperemesis gravidarum

         - Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in neonates

         - Induction of labour

         - Inflammatory bowel disease

         - Itch

         - Lumbar spinal stenosis

         - Melasma

         - Meniere’s disease/syndrome

         - Menopausal syndrome

         - Multiple sclerosis

         - Mumps in children

         - Myelosuppression after chemotherapy

         - Oocyte retrieval pain relief

         - Opiate addiction

         - Opioid detoxification

         - Parkinson’s disease

         - Polycystic ovarian syndrome

         - Poor sperm quality

         - Postnatal depression

         - Postoperative gastroparesis syndrome (PGS)

         - Postoperative ileus

         - Post-stroke hiccoughs

         - Premenstrual syndrome

         - Primary ovarian insufficiency

         - Primary Sjogren’s syndrome

         - Psoriasis vulgaris

         - Rheumatoid arthritis Slowing progression of myopia

         - Spinal cord injury

         - Stress urinary incontinence in adults

         - Sudden sensorineural hearing loss

         - Surgery analgesia

         - Tinnitus

         - Traumatic brain injury

         - Urinary incontinence

         - Uterine fibroids

         - Vascular cognitive impairment without dementia

         - Vascular dementia

         - Whiplash associated disorder (WAD)

         - Xerostomia in cancer


  • Conditions with little or no evidence supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture  
  • (Reviews have consistently found little support for acupuncture. The quality of the evidence is consistently low or very low. Further research required.)

         - Alcohol dependence

         - Cocaine addiction

         - Epilepsy

         - Nausea in pregnancy

         - Smoking cessation (more than 6 month)



 McDonald J, Janz S. The Acupuncture Evidence Project: A Comparative Literature Review (Revised Edition). Brisbane: Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd; 2017.



Acme Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Clinic (Acme Acu)

Ph. (03) 552 2189               Email: [email protected]               Website:

Address: 108 Highgate  (Cnr Highgate & Ross Street), Roslyn, Dunedin, Otago  9010


Copyright © Acme Acu 2013-. All rights reserved.